I couldn't tell if he had been in a fight or had just fallen down 我不知道他是和人家打架了,还是仅仅摔了一跤。
It is difficult to fight down a desire to sleep. 克服睡意是很困难的。
He is the one heavenly person who knows everyone's future partners, and nobody can fight the decisions written down in his book. 月老是知晓人间每个人未来伴侣的神仙,没有人能违抗在他的姻缘簿中定下的缘分。
Fagin produced some beer, and as the fight appeared to be over, everybody sat down. 费金拿出了一些啤酒,争斗好像平息了,大家又都坐了下来。
And while Alibaba insists that it has continued to fight fakes taking down listings and even banning sellers counterfeits continue to be an uphill battle. 当阿里巴巴强调它会继续与假货战斗的时候下架商品甚至禁止销售假货却越来越难处理。
It resembles a bit the fight against illegal drugs: clamp down in one place, and the trade sprouts elsewhere. 与禁毒斗争有些类似的,盗版取缔了一处,又会在其它地方迅速兴起。
Someone shouted reports of a fight breaking out two streets down. 有人扯开喉咙,报告说有两条街上爆发冲突了。
I was very angry at the moment, but I managed to fight it down. 我当时大怒,但努力克制着没有发火。
I want to see who can still fight when the chips are down. 我想看看谁可以在危急的情况下坚持战斗。
The chances are the fight will go down to the last corner of the last lap of the last race, which is exactly the way it should be after one of the greatest F1 seasons there has ever been. 总冠军还留在最后一场比赛最后一圈的最后一个弯角决出,这就是历史上最伟大的F1赛季之一所应该具备元素。
The woman tried to fight down a feeling of repugnance to speak to her ex-husband. 那女人努力抑制反感来跟她前夫说话。
You who are old, and have fought the fighi, and have won or lost or left the fight, weight us not down, with fears of the world, as we run! 你们老了。打过了这场仗,赢过,输过,又丢下了这场仗。当我们在奔跑,你们对世界的恐惧,不能把我们吓倒。
Just on the opening stage, a tough fight was launched in the right down corner. 序盘阶段,双方即在右下角展开激战;
Feel lucky to get up each morning and strap your weapons on for a good fight, and then lay down said weapons that evening, glad you had an interesting day. 你应该为这样的生活感到幸运:每天早上起床后,拿起装备,出去奋斗一番,晚上再放下装备,为度过有意思的一天而高兴。
Highlord Tirion Fordring says: We will take the fight to Arthas and we will tear down the walls of Icecrown! 我们将追击阿尔萨斯,我们将粉碎寒冰王冠的城墙!
If it came to a fight, he would win hands down. 要是打起来,他会轻易取胜。
He was going to fight me down to the last shot. We are resolved to fight it out with them at all costs. 他将要同我斗争到底。我们豁出去了,决心跟他们干到底。
To fight TB effectively we need to break down those barriers and inspire people to think and act in new ways. 要有效抗击结核病,我们需要消除这些障碍,启发人们转换角度来思考和行动。
He tried to fight down his anxiety. 他努力克制他的焦虑。
The worst thing you can do is try to ignore it, she says, because anxiety tends to fight back if you push it down. 最不明智的选择是忽略焦虑,因为如果你置之不理,焦虑往往会反击。
A knock-down-and-drag-out fight. Haill lashed down mercilessly. The mythology that the United States relentlessly assaulted Allende after he was installed is the opposite to the truth. 有人说阿连德上台后,美国对他进行了无情的打击,这种编造的神话与事实大相径庭。
He had to fight down the impulse to sneak out. 他必须克制住想偷偷地溜出去的冲动。
He had to fight down the impulse to hit the man. 他不得不强把想打那个人的冲动压下去。
And Saul sent for all the people to come to the fight, and go down to Keilah to make an attack on David and his men. 于是扫罗招聚众民,要下去攻打基伊拉城,围困大卫和跟随他的人。
They scramble up half-naked to open the door, fight with their trousers down for their turn at the pot, and don't scruple to strip themselves in front of a man, simply turning slightly away. 她们会半裸体地起来开门,拎着裤子争夺马桶,将身体稍稍背转一下就公然在男人面前换衣服。
He was going to fight me down to the last shot. 他将要同我斗争到底。
Did you hear that there was a fight down in the local on wednesday? 你听说了吗?上星期三在附近的酒馆里有人打架。
I'll successfully fight any injunction to shut us down. 我要抵制任何压制我们的禁令。
Under the leadership of the Party, he devised many military strategies and commanded the Army to fight up and down the country, showing outstanding courage and sight and talented military command arts, and writing many military works of unique vision. 他南征北战,运筹帷幄,在党的领导下率领部队打了许许多多著名战役,表现出过人的胆识和极具天赋的军事指挥艺术,并写下许多具有独到见解的军事著作。